Please leave your phones *on*! Announcing some GSFF20 special events
Film festivals are usually very strict about phones being turned off during screenings. Not this time. GSFF today announces its 2020 opening event, the Scottish premiere of live expanded cinema performance My First Film by Zia Anger, which opens with the filmmaker, seated amongst the audience, requesting via onscreen text that phones should be kept on. Anger…
Opportunity: Join the GSFF20 team!
Film Hub Scotland New Promoters Scheme Do you have a passion for film? Would you like to gain paid experience in film exhibition? Then the Film Hub Scotland New Promoters Scheme could be for you. Film Hub Scotland is offering an exciting training opportunity for people who’d like to better understand how to programme films…
Glasgow Short Film Festival goes independent
Scotland’s flagship short film event announces an exciting new chapter. After twelve happy years within the Glasgow Film family, GSFF is stepping out as an independent charitable organisation. The first edition of Glasgow Short Film Festival took place over a weekend during the 2008 Glasgow Film Festival. Since then GSFF has successfully run as a…
GSFF named one of 25 Coolest Film Festivals in the World
We are thrilled, humbled and more than a little surprised to find Glasgow Short Film Festival included on US magazine MovieMaker’s list of the 25 Coolest Film Festivals in the World in 2019. The list, which the magazine publishes each summer, is compiled by a panel of industry insiders focusing primarily on US and Canadian events. This…
Award-winners announced for Glasgow Short Film Festival 2019
The award-winners at the 12th annual Glasgow Short Film Festival have been announced. The winners were revealed at the closing ceremony at Civic House last night, along with the festival audience’s selection of their own favourite shorts. Decided by an international jury made up of Jacopo Chessa, director of Torino Short Film Market, French curator and…
Glasgow Short Film Festival 2019: full programme announced!
Glasgow Short Film Festival is delighted to announce the line-up for our twelfth edition. Highlights include art collective Soda_Jerk with the Scottish premiere of their revisionist satire on Australian history TERROR NULLIUS, a trawl through the archives of Scottish short film scheme First Reels, which marked the big breaks of Peter Mullan and David Mackenzie, the world premiere…
GSFF 2019 Competition Selection Announced
Drawn from over 1700 submissions, Glasgow Short Film Festival is delighted to announce the line-up for the 2019 Scottish Short Film Award sponsored by Blazing Griffin, and for the 2019 Bill Douglas Award for International Short Film. 26 countries are represented in 54 films. Combined, the selection includes four World Premieres, two International Premieres, one European Premiere, 21 UK…
GSFF18 Award Winners Announced
The award-winning films at the eleventh annual Glasgow Short Film Festival were announced last night at the festival’s closing party at festival hub Civic House. The awards celebrate the best in Scottish and international filmmaking talent at Scotland’s largest annual celebration of short film. The prestigious Bill Douglas Award for International Short Film – named…
Borscht Diez: “While the Miami of beach, boobs and blow definitely exists, it isn’t our experience.”
As Hurricane Irma sweeps through Florida, we witness the devil-may-care attitude of Miamians, responding to rising sea levels with both defiance and a certain stoic acceptance. Our upcoming screening of films by Miami’s Borscht Corporation, billed as coming from the “underwater ruins of the old human city known as Miami” exemplifies that outlook, whilst increasingly seeming less…
GSFF17 awards announced
The competition winners of the tenth annual Glasgow Short Film Festival have been announced. At a packed ceremony at the city’s newest venue, Joytown Grand Electric Theatre, it was revealed that Jasper Coppes’s Flow Country was named winner of the Scottish Short Film Award, sponsored by Blazing Griffin. The Dutch-born filmmaker, a former student at Glasgow School of Art,…