Opening night: 10th Anniversary Shorts

The opening of the 10th Glasgow Short Film Festival kicked off last night, with nine films handpicked from each previous GSFF editions. Festival Director Matt Lloyd welcomed guests and was soon joined onstage by GSFF Founder, Rosie Crerar to say a few brief words and cut the birthday cake. Not only was there cake, but thanks to our sponsors, there was lovely Brooklyn Brewery Beer and Auchentoshan Signature reserve cocktails for our guests. Attendees were also treated to a trip down memory lane with the previous festival trailers throughout the night. 

It was a night full of birthday celebrations and taking a look back at the honest, questioning, fresh, fun and inventive filmmaking that GSFF is all about. For those who couldn’t make it, there were some happy birthday video messages to share with everyone and here they are for you to enjoy. 


GSFF17 is now officially underway and we look forward to seeing you at the events and screenings over the next 4 days! 

Browse the full programme here

Ruth Paxton’s collaboration with Bulgarian musician Dobrinka Tabakova, PULSE, opened the 2014 festival, whilst Louis Paxton’s short Choreomania was one of our favourites of 2010.

French/Danish filmmaker Caroline Sascha Cogez held a retrospective at the 2013 festival, where she also served on the jury with poet Vahni Capildeo.

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Jo Coates and Daniel Metz really did meet for the first time at GSFF in 2012. We created a beautiful thing.

German animator Patrick Buhr has been to GSFF twice, in 2015 and 2016, in fact we were his first festival return trip.

The brilliant video essayist Kevin B Lee participated in our 2015 symposium Short Film and Criticism.

GSFF held the first international retrospective of the Miami-based Borscht Corporation in 2014, and the following year Michael and David visited the festival with their film Biscayne World.

Duncan is a two times winner of the Scottish Short Film Award, for Directed By Tweedie in 2015 and, with Ross, Isabella in 2016.

Photo Credit – Eoin Carey